Saturday, August 30, 2008

Who the entrepreneurs are? - A personal perspective

However I desperately want to believe that Entrepreneurs can be made, in reality they’re seldom made. For I am not an entrepreneur born, I am one in the making.

Knowledge of the entrepreneurial process - how to start a venture, to manage it, to grow it is all important, but a true entrepreneur is he or she who has the courage to go out in the real world and do it. Who dreams what others cannot, who sees what others cannot, who does what others cannot. Who leads in the most uncertain of times, in times when he or she is not sure of the outcome him or herself? Who goes on and pursues his dreams, in spite of the contrary popular opinion. Who falls, who fails.

I am an entrepreneur without a plan.

1 comment:

entreprenerd said...

If you are an entrepreneur 'in the making' - which skills do you think you still need to acquire or improve?